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Member since Apr 28, 2023 avinash.karn@hotmail.com

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The Painful Truth About Breakups

The Painful Truth About Breakups

Breakups are painful, no matter, whether the other person broke up, you broke up...



The traditional medicine believes that creating this harmony can prevent illness,...

The Different Types of Obesity and Being Overweight

The Different Types of Obesity and Being Overweight

Types of Obesity and its Complications. Depending on the area of fat deposition...

9 Benefits of Hot Yoga for a Healthier Body and Mind

9 Benefits of Hot Yoga for a Healthier Body and Mind

Hot yoga is done in a sauna-like environment, helping you de-stress, while giving...

Ayurveda and Hair Care: From Diagnosis to Management!

Ayurveda and Hair Care: From Diagnosis to Management!

Ayurveda teaches that a healthy body and mind will result in healthy hair and scalp,...

Dating Voilence
What is Adolescent dating violence?

What is Adolescent dating violence?

Abusers involved in teen dating violence create a pattern of behavior for themselves,...

Growth Stage
What is human growth?

What is human growth?

In physical terms, growth is simply the steady and irreversible increase in the...

10 Most Famous Street Foods in Agra

10 Most Famous Street Foods in Agra

Discovering Agra's Culinary Delights Beyond Petha. Relish bedai-aloo jalebi, flavourful...

Self Awareness
Why Self-Awareness in Leadership is a Must-Have for Success

Why Self-Awareness in Leadership is a Must-Have for Success

Self-awareness leads to personal control and growth that helps leaders use their...

9 Unexpected Benefits of Breaking Up In The Relationship

9 Unexpected Benefits of Breaking Up In The Relationship

The last breakup I went through redefined my understanding of heartbreak. While...

Career Coaching
Build the career you want. These 10 books will show you how

Build the career you want. These 10 books will show you...

Build the career you want. These 10 books will show you how ; The Long Game: Best...

10 tips for successful weight loss

10 tips for successful weight loss

Although many different “fad” diets are available, a balanced lifestyle and nutritious...

10 best  Types of Meditation For Life

10 best Types of Meditation For Life

There are many forms of meditation, including guided, Kundalini, mindfulness, Transcendental,...

what is  Arranged Marriages Advantages ?

what is Arranged Marriages Advantages ?

Arranged marriages offer many advantages, such as security and trust in the marriage...

10 Foods That Are Good for Your Eyes

10 Foods That Are Good for Your Eyes

Eating a diet low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help...

Growth Mindset
10 Benefits of Developing a Growth Mindset in Life

10 Benefits of Developing a Growth Mindset in Life

With a growth mindset, people focus on improvement instead of worrying about how...