How to Overcome the Seven-Year Itch
How to Overcome the Seven-Year Itch in Your Relationship · Try Individual and/or Couple's Therapy · Maintain Open and Respectful Communication.

The seven-year itch, sometimes known as the 7-year itch, is the widely held belief that divorce rates peak at the seven-year mark of a marriage. Despite much debate, this is a legitimate worry for many couples who are struggling after seven years of marriage.
The seven-year itch may not always be about wanting a divorce, but rather about having serious problems in the marriage that are difficult to resolve. The seven-year itch could shed light on such issues.
Where Did the Concept of Seven-Year Itch Come From?
The seven-year itch is a common phrase, yet its veracity is debatable. Although seven years into a relationship, it's safe to assume that problems will have arisen.
Anecdotal Experiences Popularized the Seven-Year Itch
Studies have shown that the likelihood of a couple divorcing begins low, rises to a peak midway through the partnership, and then declines again.
'The Seven Year Itch' Starring Marilyn Monroe
In 1955, a film starring Marilyn Monroe was released with the same name as the phenomena. The man's hunger for other women outside of his marriage is a major plot component. A male psychiatrist's hypothesis that all men cheat on their wife around the seventh year of marriage gives him permission to act on his urges.
Is the Seven-Year Itch Real?
The honest response is that nobody can say for sure. There is no hard proof that the seven-year itch actually exists. There is no proof either way, though.
Many People View Divorce Differently
Divorce is an issue on which opinions vary widely. Divorce is seen as morally problematic by some, whereas others do not share this view. Those who don't mind the social stigma of divorce or who are so driven by their careers that their personal lives suffer may be more likely to end up divorced.
How Might the Seven-Year Itch Apply to Unmarried Couples?
It was unusual for couples to live together before marriage in the 1950s, when the Monroe film popularized the concept of the "seven-year itch." As a result, the practice of living together before to marriage is the genesis of this idea.
How to Overcome the Seven-Year Itch in Your Relationship
Around the seven-year mark, some couples may start to worry if their conflicts increase or their chemistry fades. However, if you take preventative measures, your relationship may survive any challenges it faces.
Try Individual and/or Couple's Therapy
Group and individual psychotherapy both have their uses. You should get help if either of you is dealing with significant life difficulties or has unresolved trauma. This might help make sure that neither of you is using the other as a sounding board for your problems.
A couples counselor could be helpful if you and your partner have difficulty getting along, have different priorities in life, or are sexually unsatisfied. You can seek for a therapist who focuses on sex, communication, or interracial relationships.