The Apology Your Wife Needs
· Please forgive me, my dearest.” “Baby, I am sorry for taking you for granted....
What Not To Say to Your Wife During a Fight
Saying mean and hurtful things to one another during a fight and later wanting to...
Bad Ways We Avoid Conflict in Marriage
Stay silent. Many husbands stay quiet with the intention of preserving peace. I...
Subtle Attitudes That Hurt Your Marriage
Having angry reactions to feedback instead of being open to it. Communication is...
Ways Nursing a Grudge Is Destroying Your Marriage
It builds a wall between you and your wife. Grudges are like skilled masons. They...
3 Ways to Resolve a Fight With Your Wife
Talk with your spouse when both of you are well-rested and able to focus. Don't...
What Are Your Goals For Marital Conflict?
To believe that happy marriages operate on an auto-pilot minus any marital conflicts...
Best Ways to Be Your Wife’s Hero
But to win your wife's heart and be a hero to her, you'll need humility. Humility...
What You Should Never Do with Women Other Than Your Wife
If you want your wife to respect you, you have to respect and protect her dignity....
Dangerous Lies That Lead to Infidelity
It's dangerous, causes bad decisions, and leads to signs of infidelity. And marital...
Can Marriage Survive Infidelity?
It is true that a marriage can survive an extra-marital affair. But, this will only...
You Cheated and Want to Win Your Wife Back
He already paid the price for you with his blood. Give it to him, let Jesus own...
“I Caught My Wife Cheating: What Now?”
I Caught My Wife Cheating What Now All Pro Dad Punish. punish cheating wife woman...
Why Do Women Cheat?
Women and girls cheat because they want to screw other guys, and it is usually the...
Why Do Men Cheat?
They're denying part of their identity. In some cases, cheating can be the result...
Signs of an Emotional Affair
Constant Thoughts. The person you are having an emotional affair with becomes the...