career coaching topics to explore with your coach
Here's a list of topics you can cover with your executive coach, career coach, professional development coach, or even life coach

If you're the type of person whose mind blanks when asked to recount your activities from the previous week, you're in good company. However, it is crucial to establish a plan of action for your career counselling session in order to get the most out of it. It can be challenging to come up with useful discussion points in the moment that will allow you to make the most of your session time. In addition, many clients come into their initial coaching session unsure of how to get started.
It's crucial for businesses to make sure workers know they can choose their own location for career counselling. However, your staff may need some time to educate themselves and become more conscious before they can develop their coaching muscles. Especially in today's rapidly evolving workplace, no two career counselling sessions will look the same for your employees. Your employees will get the most out of coaching if they are aware of the various options open to them.
What does career coaching include?
There is no incorrect place to begin when it comes to career coaching, which is fantastic news. You and your coach have a lot of ground to cover. You might begin by discussing your desired destination, your current location, or you can simply wait to see where the session leads.
You can get your team off to a good start with your career coaching programme if you give them some pointers at the outset. They could begin with their most recent evaluation, a specific area of expertise they wish to develop, or a job opening they are interested in.
1. Work/life balance
The importance of achieving (and maintaining) a healthy work-life balance has never wavered. However, as remote and hybrid teams become the norm, this issue has risen to the forefront of nearly everyone's mind. It may feel impossible to find a happy medium between job and caring responsibilities. A career coach can help you begin to rethink your approach to balancing work and family life (without letting either suffer).
2. Career growth
Professional advancement rarely proceeds in a straight line. A career coach can provide you with strategic guidance as you discover and investigate your options. It allows you to map out your professional future, pinpoint skill gaps, and establish attainable objectives.
3. Setting boundaries at work
People who care deeply about their work often struggle to limit their involvement. Boundaries, on the other hand, are an integral aspect of both job satisfaction and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. You can run through scenarios in your head, such as talking to your boss about a raise or renegotiating your vacation time.
4. Communication skills
Even if it isn't a large component of your job, being able to effectively communicate with others will help you succeed in any position. Interpersonal skills are an area that can be honed with the help of a career coach. Potentially significant effects on your sales performance, teamwork, and error rate could result from this.
5. Performance coaching
Do you ever hit a wall at work and feel helpless? Getting some performance coaching can help you figure out what you can do to improve your output. To see your work with the objectivity necessary for development, you must first get insight into its strengths and places for growth.
6. Inner Work
When we create room in our schedules for the things that help us feel complete, we produce our best results. Inner Work® is what we call it here at BetterUp. Coaching aids in the cultivation of this deep, inner self by increasing awareness of one's authentic patterns, desires, and aspirations.
7. Mental fitness
Your health and productivity on the job both benefit from mental fitness. If you want to be less reactive, more thoughtful, more risk-taking, and more confident, get your mind in shape. You'll have a better time challenging dogma and considering other takes on a problem.