Benefits Of Surya Namaskar - Everything You Need to Know
Surya namaskar promotes blood circulation, which helps to restore the glow on your face while also avoiding wrinkles and making your skin look

About Surya Namaskar
Since ancient times, people have offered prayers and made sacrifices to the Sun since it is used in virtually every aspect of human life. An ancient method of showing gratitude to the Sun, the creator of all life, Surya Namaskar consists of a rigorous 12-posture yoga routine. The 12 postures (asanas) that make up the Surya namaskar are meant to keep you feeling alive, alert, and receptive, all of which will help you bring your physical and mental selves closer to realising your full potential.
Health Benefits Of Surya Namaskar
1. Blood Circulation Enhancement
The Surya Namaskar sequence relies on a series of rapid breaths to maintain oxygen levels in the blood and lung ventilation. Cleansing the body of toxins and excess carbon dioxide with an adequate supply of fresh blood is a highly effective method.
2. Improves The Functioning Of The Digestive System
By increasing blood flow to the stomach and associated tract, Surya Namaskar enhances the performance of the digestive organs. The forward bend position facilitates in the discharge of accumulated gas in the body by increasing abdominal space.
3. Surya Namaskar Benefits In Weight Loss
Regular, vigorous practise of the Surya Namaskar Series has been shown to increase muscle strength and aid in the reduction of belly fat. The asanas help build muscle and tone the abdominals.
4. Helps Detox
The practise of actively breathing in and out fully ventilates the lungs and oxygenates the blood. The elimination of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases supports the body's detoxification process as well.
5. Healthy Lower Body
The first and last positions of Surya Namaskar, pranamasana (petition present), strengthen the legs and feet. The lower legs, calves, and feet are effectively fortified. This posture can help avoid flat feet, strengthen the hips, and ease sciatica. Surya Namaskar has been shown to link the right and left sides of the brain, which is an essential scientific benefit.
6. Glowing Skin And Luscious Hair
When performed regularly, the Surya Namaskar sequence of yoga postures can give even elderly people a youthful glow and promote the growth of strong, long hair. By increasing blood flow to the face, surya namaskar can be used to restore a youthful glow and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
7. Helps In Muscles And Joints Strength
Stretching and strengthening your muscles, joints, tendons, and skeleton may all be accomplished with Surya Namaskar. The developments might also help your spine become more flexible. As you hold the positions, your body will naturally become more symmetrical, benefiting the function of your vital organs on the inside.
8. Calming Your Body
When you strike a yoga pose, you'll feel a wave of calm wash over your mind. On the other hand, Surya Namaskar exercises like the downward dog and cobra enhance the neurological system while also gently stimulating the nerves.