Subtle Attitudes That Hurt Your Marriage
Having angry reactions to feedback instead of being open to it. Communication is key to a close relationship. However, when we establish a fantasy bond, we tend to become

My wife told me, "Even when you're here, you're not here," in response to my question about her job frustrations. Since it gave me a lot of leeway, I was able to be home most nights and never miss a major event. However, she identified the issue with her comment, which still makes me cringe. My demeanor, rather than my actions, was the problem.
Though we frequently reprimand our children for their attitudes, we tend to forget how crucial it is to do the same for ourselves. Whether we want it to or not, our attitudes in marriage affect the quality of our relationship. Your marriage is suffering because of these 5 understated attitudes.
1. Busyness
You would probably all respond with "I'm busy" if I were to survey everyone who read this article. Although having a lot of things to do is one thing, having a busy mentality is something entirely else. What this means is that doing things all the time gives your life purpose. Because of this, it may become difficult to give one's whole attention to anything or anyone. When we want to become close to our wives, it's essential to just be there for them.
Take steps to consciously slow down in your marriage if you find that being busy is one of your attitudes. For example, commit to putting away your phone for a certain amount of time each night, set aside 30 minutes for dinner, or practice asking questions and patiently waiting for her to answer.
2. Laziness
Laziness is the polar opposite of busyness. Laziness isn't something most of us would say describes ourselves. We put in long hours both at work and at home. Supporting our families is our top priority, so we work hard. But occasionally a sluggish attitude sets in when it comes to our interactions with our wives. Perhaps you've been married for some time and tend to skip the less culturally significant anniversaries. Maybe planning dates has become so inconvenient that you've given up.
However, nothing positive emerges from emptiness. If sloth is one of your marital attitudes, you can end up making your partnership unhealthy and unfit. Make an effort. Exceed expectations. Impress her with an innovative approach. You will witness remarkable positive changes in your marriage if you combat the attitude of sloth.
3. Fearfulness
Just what is it that scares you? You don't want to let your wife down, do you? As a husband and father, do you worry that you may fail? Do you secretly worry that you won't have enough money to take care of your loved ones? You will be controlled by your fears. However, you won't even realize it's controlling you. Plus, this has the potential to ruin a marriage.
Make an appointment with a counselor or keep a journal if you feel that dread is influencing your attitude toward marriage. Make an effort to recognize your fears. The first step in overcoming fear is realizing their existence.