The Apology Your Wife Needs
· Please forgive me, my dearest.” “Baby, I am sorry for taking you for granted. I acknowledge my mistakes and have learned my lesson. I am truly sorry

I was asked by a friend whether there was anything I had done recently that would annoy my wife. I had merely arranged for flowers to be brought to her at the time, so I hadn't disturbed her either. Not a big deal. I longed to express my affection for her. In my mind, I was much ahead of everyone else. Perhaps I showed too much confidence. I usually end up flat on my face at that point. It should have been obvious to me. She posed a straightforward inquiry when her phone rang. A tense day was intensified tenfold since I failed to advise her of a crucial piece of information. She was distressed.
No matter how sincere you are, your wife can tell. More introspection is required if you are not sincere. Apologize not merely to end the argument or because you think it's the proper thing to do. A sense of conviction is required. Till it comes, you should think, and maybe even pray.
Put her where she can make a difference. Make sure to incorporate your body language and tone into this as well as your words. Make her worth and dignity more important than your ego. You probably got down on one knee when you asked for someone's hand in marriage. Perform this symbolic action with each and every apology.
Ask for Forgiveness
"Will you forgive me?" is the real question you should ask. You leave yourself up to harm when you do this. Your question is an invitation for her to get back on the correct path with you. It restores harmony and unity among all people.
When we offend our wives, we can react in one of two ways: by feeling guilty or by trying to explain it away. One fosters personal development. On the other hand, it condemns us to make the same mistakes in the future. A person's conscience can be raised by one and destroyed by the other.
Try to see things from her perspective. See if you can figure out how she feels and why. Accompany her there. She likely feels the most isolated of all. Tell her that's not the case.