Teaching My Kids How to Overcome Fear
Don't let fear keep you from trying things. Some fear is healthy, but the wrong fears will keep you from experiencing some fun activities. Never let fear

No one is immune to terror. No matter what kind of fear it is—public speaking, flying, failure, etc.—it can paralyze us. These days, a lot of kids see their parents and assume they never get scared. We are both aware that that is not accurate.
A lot of scary things have happened to me. Living, though, requires facing our anxieties head-on. And by sharing these four things with my kids, I show them how to conquer their fears.
1. Fear can be good.
Fear, when channeled appropriately, can serve as a discipline. Learn to distinguish between good and bad things.
2. Don’t let fear keep you from trying things.
A healthy dose of fear is good for you, but if you let your guard down, you'll miss out on some exciting experiences. Get out there and do what makes you happy; fear will never stop you. Have the guts to go where you're afraid to go.
3. Don’t fear being different.
Our children must triumph over this formidable obstacle. No matter what society says, I want my children to be who God made them to be, not what society thinks they should be.
4. Overcoming fear will make you stronger.
Instinctively, we all experience fear. Overcoming fears, though, makes us stronger in the end. Despite our fears, we get stronger and more capable of overcoming obstacles with each step ahead.