Best 5 Reasons Why Marriage is So Important
Marriage is designed to mirror our Creator's unconditional love for us. It's a love that will always be there and will never leave us or forsake us. When a man

You may have learned the value of marriage and experienced some of its benefits if you are married. Or perhaps some of you found marriage to be too difficult and are now single. It's not all bad news, either. But the first step toward optimism is accepting the possibility that marital bliss will exceed your wildest expectations.
I've been married many years and have experienced both the fantastic as well as the very stressful. We never felt alone again once we tied the knot. We can accomplish more as a unit than we could ever hope to achieve separately. We have grown as people thanks to the difficulties we have faced. As a bonus, our partnership has produced amazing offspring. I've found something even better, but those are all excellent in their own ways. I think God instituted marriage so that we may learn more about Him and His greatness. Many of God's plans for marriage demonstrate this. Listed below are five compelling arguments for why marriage matters.
1. Beginning
Marriage is the first step in building a life together and a strong family. Serving your spouse and kids can help you develop a more altruistic character. Marriage is more than just joining two people together physically; it also unites them spiritually and emotionally. The bond between God and His Church is reflected here.
2. Oneness
It is said that in marriage, "two become one." Marriage creates a bond that can't be broken. It provides us with a companion, a collaborator in tackling life's obstacles.
3. Purity
Marriage is a holy institution. We face temptation practically every minute and from all directions. Love that provides and receives on all levels (physical, emotional, and spiritual) is the kind of love that gives us the strength to resist temptation and stay married.
4. Parenting
Having a kid, whether biological or adopted, is one of life's greatest gifts. About 40% of today's youngsters are growing up in homes where neither parent is a biological father. The repercussions of such reality are mind-boggling. Increases in criminal conduct, substance misuse, and emotional and behavioral issues have all been linked to absent fathers. But when children are raised in a solid marriage, they receive a front row seat to observe and feel the lasting benefits of a strong family.
5. Love
Marriage is meant to be a reflection of the love God has for us. This is a love that will last forever and never desert us. Happiness and satisfaction come when a man and a woman love one other without conditions.