Husbands Want to Hear From Their Wives

“I love being your wife.” As simple as it sounds, husbands want to know that their wives are happy and enjoy being with them.

Husbands Want to Hear From Their Wives

To paraphrase Mark Twain, "I can live for two months on a good compliment," I can relate. Getting a lot of personalized praise can do wonders for your self-esteem. My hubby agrees with me completely. I've noticed a shift in his mood whenever I give some thought to what men like to hear and then use words deliberately. As he gains self-assurance, he reciprocates by being more supportive.

Emotionally Intelligent Husbands are Key to a Lasting Marriage

It's easy to forget the value of your words of encouragement when you live with someone every day. Evaluate the way you interact with coworkers. Are you more likely to compliment them than your husband? If that's the case, then we should try it out. Give him a compliment once a day for a week and see what happens. You are probably wondering what will motivate your partner. We conducted a poll among the local males and compiled a list of the top ten things that wives should tell their husbands. Please let us know if we've forgotten something.

1. “I love being your wife.”

As trite as it may sound, a husband's greatest wish is for his wife to be content and to take pleasure in spending time with him. How long has it been since you acknowledged your hubby for his wonderful choice in you? Don't assume he knows you'd select him again. Inform him!

2. “You’re a great dad.”

Every man, especially a father, secretly longs to be admired as a hero. In particular, you should explain to your husband why he is admired and respected by the children. Tell your kids at supper tonight why you think he's so great.

3. “You turn me on.”

It's true that women face societal expectations regarding their beauty, but men have similar concerns. Men get more sensitive as their hairlines thin and their tummies protrude, so it's best not to make jokes about your husband's appearance. Let him know he's attractive to you and that he's gorgeous.

4. “I respect the decision you made.”

When a wife has no personal investment in her husband's decisions, she may be too critical of them. Why did you go with that shade of blue for the shelf?" or "Was it the wisest decision to let the kids have cookies?" Men do things differently than women, and we need to accept that. Tell your husband how much you value his decision-making if he arrived at it deliberately and with insight. Give him the benefit of the doubt if you're not sure he planned it out.

5. “I know it’s important to live within our means. I’m with you on this.”

Whether you're the saver or the spender in the relationship, reassuring your husband that you're both concerned about money is important. He finds great solace in the fact that his wife shares his commitment to frugal living.

6. “I’m grateful for your spiritual leadership.”

All of us are hardwired for a relationship with God, and many men want to be seen as the spiritual caretakers of their families. Encourage your husband in his faith and to take his role as a spiritual leader seriously.