Teaching Your Daughter How to Deal With Mean Girls
Help your daughter see behind the façade. ... Much of the bad behavior mean girls exhibit is a desperate attempt to become—or stay—popular. It is rooted in

Defending yourself from the attacks of bullies without turning into one of them is the most challenging feat in the female world. But that is precisely the lesson that innumerable moms face the daily challenge of trying to impart. In a society that is frequently anything but, we strive to bring up daughters who are kind and empathetic. Therefore, you should instruct your daughter on how to deal with bullies.
Kari Kampakis, who is a mother of four girls, writes a book titled 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know, which thankfully tackles this issue. She gives them real guidance on how to deal to mean girls without turning your daughter into a doormat while still allowing her to choose the high road, and she gives them a glimpse behind the scenes of what makes these girls act this way. Help your daughter navigate the world of girls with poise by teaching her these 5 strategies for dealing with bullies.
1. Help your daughter see behind the façade.
Mean girls often act badly in an effort to gain or maintain popularity. That stems from a place of insecurity and self-indulgence. Assist your daughter in understanding that courageous ladies aren't necessarily mean. Actually, those girls are among the most sensitive and self-conscious people you will ever meet. Your daughter may be able to handle their conduct and intimidation better if you acknowledge this.
2. Tell her what real friends look like.
When you have a daughter, there are certain girls who are true friends: they cheer her on, wish her the best, and share in her joys and sorrows. Kampakis refers to the other girls as "50/50 friends." They put on a friendly front one second and then act completely differently the next. It would be beneficial for her if she could distance herself from the "friends" that consistently belittle her or display competitive behavior. Assist her in her quest to find genuine friendships with supportive females.
3. Teach her to resist the temptation to retaliate.
Staying above their level is a great strategy for dealing with mean girls. It requires self-control, but your daughter will be happier overall if she doesn't return naughtiness with naughtiness.
4. Remind your daughter that she can pursue kindness or popularity, not both.
This is a fundamental message that Kampakis conveys to females and is considered one of the "ultimate truths" in her book. By having fewer regrets for having treated people badly and by attracting the proper types of friends into their lives, young women who choose kindness over popularity will be happier in the long run. You will nearly always place other people in a situation where they feel rejected or unwanted if you pursue popularity, even if you do it sometimes. In his blog post titled "4 S's to Show Kindness," Mark Merrill, president of Family First, discusses various aspects of kindness.
5. Encourage her to commit with like-minded girls to treat people around them with kindness.
There is power in numbers, that much is true. Your kid will have a greater chance of meeting her own expectations if she has even just a couple of supportive friends who will encourage her and keep her responsible. She should also keep an eye out for other kids who are on the outside looking in, like the ones who are lonely or left out, and do her best to treat them kindly.