Top 6 Foods for Healthy Hair

Salmon for Shine · Grow With Greek Yogurt · Spinach to Battle Brittle Hair · Guava to Prevent Breakage · Iron-Fortified Cereal to Prevent Loss

Top 6 Foods for Healthy Hair

Salmon for Shine

Salmon for Shine

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are beneficial to health. These are essential fats, but your body doesn't produce them; you must acquire them through food or supplements. In addition to acting as a shield against illness, they are essential for the development and maintenance of healthy, lustrous hair.

Grow With Greek Yogurt

Grow With Greek Yogurt

Protein is the foundation of healthy hair and nails. One of the ingredients in Greek yoghurt promotes healthy scalp circulation, which is essential for healthy hair development. Vitamin B5 (sometimes termed pantothenic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that may prevent hair loss and thinning. Pantothenic acid is a component in many cosmetics and hair care items.

Spinach to Battle Brittle Hair

Spinach to Battle Brittle Hair

Spinach has incredible health benefits because it is a dark green leafy vegetable. Vitamin A, iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C are all abundant in it. Together, they promote a sound head and hair. They prevent dryness, which leads to breakage, in your hair. Need some variety in your life? Another fantastic green food is kale.

Guava to Prevent Breakage

Guava to Prevent Breakage

Vitamin C is abundant in this tropical fruit. It prevents hair from becoming brittle. There are 377 milligrammes of vitamin C in one cup of guava. That's a whopping 4,300% increase over the daily low. Bonus!

Iron-Fortified Cereal to Prevent Loss

Iron-Fortified Cereal to Prevent Loss

Lack of iron in the diet has been linked to alopecia. Cereal, grains, and pastas that have been fortified, as well as soybeans and lentils, are good sources of this nutrient as well. It is abundant in beef and particularly in organ meats like liver. It's also found in shellfish and dark, leafy greens.

Lean Poultry for Thickness

Lean Poultry for Thickness

Lack of iron in the diet has been linked to alopecia. Cereal, grains, and pastas that have been fortified, as well as soybeans and lentils, are good sources of this nutrient as well. It is abundant in beef and particularly in organ meats like liver. It's also found in shellfish and dark, leafy greens.