10 Reasons for Relationship Break-Ups
One of the most common reasons couples break up is a lack of an emotional connection. Emotional intimacy is a bond

There is a long and winding road that any relationship must travel through.
After the initial months of "puppy love," when the two of you can't get enough of each other, you eventually reach the stage of your relationship where you can relax and take pride in your "love nest."
Boredom and the prospect of a split are two of the less enjoyable phases. Many people may now be wondering: "Why do couples break up?"
The seven-year itch used to be the bane of happy couples' existence, but recent research shows that 70% of couples break up within the first year of coming together.
1. Poor communication skills
Problems in communicating cause many relationship failures.
The cycle of good communication is quite remarkable. Communicating frequently increases marital satisfaction, and happy couples tend to communicate more.
53% of 886 couples surveyed in a study published in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage acknowledged communication problems as a contributing factor to their breakup.
2. Long-distance woes
Why do couples break up? Studies have shown that long-distance relationships may have a lower success rate.
When partners in a long-distance relationship don't make an attempt to see each other or discuss the relationship's future, it can lead to a breakdown.
Lack of preparation for relocating to the same city as one's partner has been linked to increased distress, strained communication, and lower relationship satisfaction among long-distance couples.
3. No emotional connection
A lack of an emotional connection is a major cause of relationship breakdown.
A connection based on emotional intimacy transcends mere sexual attraction. It's a connection that develops gradually over time as people spend time together and learn about one another.
When there is little depth of feeling between two people, the relationship can feel lifeless.
4. You aren’t friends
When should you call it quits and why? A lack of marital friendship may be a factor in the breakdown of some partnerships.
Having a platonic relationship with your partner is just as vital as having a romantic one.
Couples who are also closest friends report feeling twice as happy and fulfilled in life, according to research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies.
When relationships end, why do partners choose to part ways? Without this connection, partners in a relationship may struggle to understand and communicate with one another after the initial excitement of physical closeness has gone off.
5. Money troubles
What causes lovers to part ways? Money can be the source of a lot of tension in a couple's relationship.
This may be the result of disagreements over how money should be spent or saved, where it should be stashed, who should get what, or any number of other financial issues.
According to studies of failed marriages, arguments over finances are a leading cause of breakups. Stress over money matters is a known contributor to marital discord and breakdown.
6. Infidelity
Infidelity and trust issues are common causes for a breakup.
According to research published in the Journal of Marriage and Divorce, adulterous behaviors account for a whopping 70% of relationship breakdowns in the United States.
More research shows that cheating is a major cause of relationship failure.
7. Excessive jealousy
Is your mate envious of you? Do you feel the need to reassure your partner by continually verifying your whereabouts or by providing them with access to your private apps and conversations?
Extreme envy can be debilitating and play a role in relationship breakdowns.
8. Toxic or abusive behavior
If your partner is physically or emotionally abusive, it is highly recommended that you end the relationship.
More than 10 million men and women in the United States endure intimate partner abuse every year, according to statistics. This frequently entails victimization by means of physical violence, stalking, threats, and other means.
9. You rushed into marriage
If you and your spouse are always thinking, "Are we going to break up?" it's time to evaluate your relationship.
Couples who rush into marriage tend to have shorter-lasting relationships overall.
When relationships end, why do partners choose to part ways? Getting married for the wrong reasons, such as to appease family, fulfill a fantasy, or alleviate loneliness, might make maintaining a happy marriage more challenging.
10. Substance abuse
When relationships end, why do partners choose to part ways? Also, what exactly constitutes a valid justification for severing ties?
No type of abuse, romantic or otherwise, is ever acceptable.
Research has shown that substance abuse is one of the strongest predictors of divorce, on top of the obvious emotional and physical harm it causes.