8 Common Leadership Styles (Plus How To Find Your Own)
1. Coach · 2. Visionary · 3. Servant · 4. Autocratic · 5. Laissez-faire or hands-off · 6. Democratic · 7. Pacesetter · 8. Transformational.

It's possible that you'll become a leader in your field at some time in your career. A certain leadership style can be helpful whether you're in charge of a meeting, a project, a team, or an entire department.
As they gain experience and form their own identities within an organization, most professionals create their own unique brand of leadership. While there is no one "right" way to be a leader, research has identified eight distinct approaches.
This article will discuss eight distinct leadership approaches, outlining their distinguishing features and providing instances of each.
Types of leadership styles
From authoritarian to visionary, these are the eight most frequent forms of leadership, along with some commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of each.
1. Autocratic leadership style
This type of boss, who is also known as a "authoritarian style of leadership," emphasizes productivity and efficiency above everything else. Workers under autocratic management are expected to perform as they are told, whether the leader makes the choice themselves or consults with a small, select group.
Self-assured and self-driven characterize autocratic dictators. They are trustworthy, reliable, and always play by the book. They prefer and thrive in supervised, highly regimented job settings.
2. Bureaucratic leadership style
To a certain extent, bureaucratic leaders are the same as autocratic leaders in that they demand strict adherence to the book when it comes to team members' actions. The bureaucratic approach emphasizes strict hierarchies and assigned tasks for each employee, leaving little room for improvisation and teamwork.
Highly regulated sectors or departments, such as banking, healthcare, and government, benefit the most from this kind of leadership. If you have a strong will and are disciplined and self-disciplined, and if you are detail-oriented and task-focused, this leadership style may suit you.
3. Coaching leadership style
A coaching leader is someone who can swiftly assess the abilities, areas of growth, and reasons for improvement of each team member. A good example of a leader who encourages growth through feedback and tough assignments is one who helps team members create appropriate goals and then offers regular feedback. They establish high standards for themselves and others and foster an encouraging atmosphere.
There are few leadership styles more beneficial to everyone involved than the coach model. Sadly, it's also one of the most underutilized leadership styles, probably because it requires more time investment than other methods. Leaders who coach are encouraging, and they place a premium on education. They know what they want and give advice instead of orders while also asking pointed questions.
4. Democratic leadership style
Combining aspects of autocratic and laissez-faire leaders, the democratic style (also known as the "participative style") is a hybrid of the two. A democratic leader solicits and weighs the opinions of their team members prior to making any major decisions. Higher levels of employee engagement and contentment in the workplace are generally attributed to a more democratic leadership style, in which team members' opinions and input are valued.
Democratic leaders include their teams in decision-making by holding open talks and disclosing all relevant facts. They encourage open communication and are known for their common sense and adaptability in the workplace.
5. Laissez-faire leadership style
In contrast to the autocratic style of leadership, the laissez-faire approach emphasizes distributing numerous responsibilities to team members while exercising minimal oversight. A leader with a laissez-faire approach can frequently accomplish more because they don't have to devote as much time to micromanaging their staff.
When a staff is fully competent, well-trained, and requires minimal management, the manager may take a hands-off approach. However, if workers are unsure of their leader's expectations or if certain members of the team require constant motivation and boundaries in order to perform well, this might lead to a decrease in productivity.
6. Pacesetter leadership style
One of the most efficient strategies for getting things done quickly is setting the pace. Leaders who set the pace prioritize results, regularly raise the bar, and insist on personal accountability from their subordinates.
Pacesetting leaders can be inspiring in high-pressure situations, but they aren't always the greatest choice for teams that have people who would benefit from guidance and evaluation.
7. Servant leadership style
By putting their team members' needs above their own, servant-leaders strive to create an environment where everyone may thrive, both professionally and personally. They are more respected because they prioritize their workers' happiness and teamwork.
Leaders that serve their teams well inspire and inform their followers. If you're the type of leader who is dedicated to helping his or her team members develop professionally while also encouraging them to work together, you might feel comfortable in this role.
8. Visionary leadership style
Leaders that are able to inspire their teams and gain their trust are able to usher in eras of growth and transformation. A leader with vision is also skilled at forging a cohesive team. They work hard to gain the trust of subordinates and superiors equally.
Small, rapidly expanding businesses, as well as larger businesses undergoing changes or restructuring, can benefit greatly from a leader with a visionary style of management. Leaders with a clear vision are often tenacious, confident, strategic, and willing to take chances. They have been called magnetic, inspiring, inventive, and full of hope.