You Cheated and Want to Win Your Wife Back
He already paid the price for you with his blood. Give it to him, let Jesus own it. Satan can not match our Lord's power of forgiveness. Keep your focus on God.

It would have been better if you had known this path would end here. In hindsight, the correct course of action is now crystal evident. Got it done now. You have passed a threshold and found yourself in an unexpected place. It's devoid of substance and laden with shame. You deceived your wife and now you want her back. You just want everything to go back to how it was. Your wife's wrathful screams at you ensued upon discovering the truth. She has become something even more terrifying. She has begun to withdraw and shut off. Seeing this from the outside, you worry that she would never forgive you.
When we inflict such profound wounds, there isn't really a plan that ensures victory. Nevertheless, reuniting with your wife and repairing your marriage is not out of the question. Several requirements surfaced after reading numerous accounts of women attempting to move on after their spouses' infidelity. The following five actions were taken by the husband who committed the infraction in marriages that were able to recover, and in some instances even grow stronger.
1. Ended the Extramarital Relationship
You should stop communicating with the other individual immediately. If this is a coworker, you may find this challenging, but it is essential. I know it's not easy, but try your best to get a transfer or a new work. Your wife will constantly wonder if you two are together and if so, what you're up to. Take legal measures, such as a restraining order, if the other party disregards your requests.
2. Repented
This is a lovely term, so don't listen to the yob on the corner; don't underestimate it. Repeatedly apologizing is not enough. The extent of the suffering you have caused must be known to you. Your complete awareness of it must be communicated to her visually and aurally. You must reach a state of broken humility as a result of your regret for it. Deal with it. Own up to everything. That's the way men act.
3. Talked About It
I know this is going to hurt, but you have to talk about your worst flaws—a lot. The journey with your wife will be filled with highs and lows. Discuss it whenever and for as long as she wants. Something, even years later, may set off flashbacks and send her into a tailspin. All of her fears will come crashing down. She wants your support and reassurance, not to embarrass you, thus she wants to talk about it. That will come from your openness and honesty, even after you've been through it a thousand times. She won't have to bring it up as much in the future if you bring it up more now.
4. Studied and Understood the Root of His Behavior
Read up on the subject and consult with professionals. An affair does not occur by chance. All it takes is a series of poor choices motivated by a sick heart for them to manifest. Make sure you're familiar with your inner scumbag. Not to be judgmental, but we all have that one person inside us that harbors the dark emotions and thoughts that we would rather keep hidden. His appearance may vary, but he is there in all of them. He will begin to vanish as soon as he is confronted in the light, after emerging from the shadows. Then we can relax knowing that no one will ever find out.
5. Reassured Her That There Are No More Secrets
Take immediate action in responding to any and all phone calls or texts. Make everything available to her—complete openness. Give her access to your email and social media accounts and make it so she can read your text messages. From now on, be sure nothing is private.