Best 5 Types of Adversity and Ways to Overcome Them

The ability to overcome obstacles is essential for dealing with adversity at work. If you're experiencing challenges in your professional .

Best 5 Types of Adversity and Ways to Overcome Them

Everyone has fallen on bad times and had to overcome obstacles. Everyone faces hardships in life, whether it's the inability to land a job, a breakup, the death of a loved one, or a health problem. 

Without challenges, life becomes a dull, unchallenging path that stunts our development. The effects of stress on mental health are discussed, as are strategies for coping with these challenges.

10 Ways Successful People Push Through Adversity | Entrepreneur

How Adversity Impacts Mental Health

When times are tough, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that they could be detrimental to our physical well-being. All we want is for this to be finished with. However, hardship has a major impact on our mental health and can lead to psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems. 

Adversity Can Lead to Anxiety and Depression

Annie Miller, owner and creator of DC Metro Sleep and Psychotherapy and a registered psychotherapist in private practice, says, "There are many studies linking adversity in childhood to mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, as well as chronic health problems in adulthood."

Overcoming Adversity Can Make You Stronger

With the correct resources and assistance, overcoming hardship can fortify a person's character and increase their abilities, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life overall.

To this, Miller explains, "So adversity can be a positive thing for the brain to learn to change and grow if we have the right support in place."

Emotional Adversity

How we understand and control our feelings is a product of our upbringing, our experiences, our relationships, and our surroundings. The inability to deal with one's feelings can result in the development of harmful coping methods, which in turn can have negative effects on one's health.

For instance, if we can't control our emotions, we could lash out physically, resort to verbal abuse, and inflict harm to ourselves and others.

Mental Adversity

Miller says, "[Mental adversity] can be apparent in persistent feelings of melancholy, concern, or dread, as well as changes in behavior, mood, or cognitive patterns. People dealing with emotional stress may find it hard to focus, have trouble sleeping, or be on edge and unmotivated as a result.

Financial Adversity

Stress about money and/or insufficient funds to meet basic necessities constitutes financial hardship.

5 Types of Adversity and Ways to Overcome Them

Job loss, career difficulties, unanticipated costs, and income reduction due to things like illness, gambling, or the loss of a loved one are all instances.

How to Overcome Financial Adversity

Many people experience stress because of financial difficulties. Problems can't be solved unless you know what they are, what you require, and how you feel about money. Making and sticking to a strategy that includes reasonable objectives, a timeline, and financial constraints is often recommended. However, the Western society's monetary ideals and beliefs can be taxing on a number of fronts, and capitalism can be tiring.

Professional assistance from a financial advisor who can evaluate your circumstances and suggest remedies should be sought out if at all possible and desirable. Since few of us receive formal training or instruction in financial management during our formative years, it can pay to educate yourself on the subject by reading books or financial health blogs.


It's important to get professional mental health care if the challenges you're facing are making it hard to function in your daily life. They can aid in the development of coping strategies, the handling of traumatic events, and the subsequent recovery process.