Can Long Distance Relationships Work?

Experts suggest that you can make a long-distance relationship work as long as you communicate often and treat it like you would a

Can Long Distance Relationships Work?

These days, we can go anywhere and talk to anyone, anywhere in the globe. There are now more ways to find love, even if it means moving hundreds of miles away from home.

In the past,  were the exception rather than the rule, typically occurring later in a couple's history. When one partner had to relocate for reasons like school, work, or military service, the other had to adjust.

But in modern times, people can also fall in love despite physical distance. Relationships, whether sexual or platonic, can be formed over the internet and flourished before ever seeing the other person "in real life," or IRL.

Unique Challenges of Long Distance Relationships

Although there are difficulties in any romantic relationship, research has shown that long-distance couples have unique problems due to the physical separation of their components.

Does Long Distance Relationships Work? | Psychologs Magazine | Mental  Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine

experiencing travel-related financial stress

feeling stronger relationship-related feelings

Despite the brief duration of in-person encounters, it is imperative that high standards be held for all gatherings of this kind.

Problems with setting limits when dealing with long-distance partners and close pals

Having an inflated perception of how things really are in the couple’s relationship.

Financial Strain

Everyone in a long-distance relationship knows how difficult it can be on the wallet. When in a long-distance relationship, it's important for partners to allocate funds toward travel expenses in the same way they would allocate funds toward a mortgage, groceries, or clothes.

Boundary Negotiation

Negotiating those boundaries can be more difficult. Those in long-distance relationships are more likely to experience jealously and complaints about their partner's "too much time" spent with their pals from closer to home.

Jealousy and Infidelity

It's also possible that your significant other might start dating or fall in love with someone else while you're away. These conflicts can be avoided to a large extent by setting clear limits, being honest, and realizing that individuals require in-person social contacts.

Expectations vs. Reality

When we spend time with our significant other every day, or at least on a consistent basis, our conversations tend to revolve around boring, everyday activities like getting ill, going to the grocery store, brushing our teeth, and falling asleep in front of the television.

Man seated on an airplane

Expectations that in-person meetings will be spectacular, full of fantastic sex, and romantic often run up against the wall of, well, how reality actually works in long-distance relationships.