Foods to Help Your Acid Reflux

Foods to eat with acid reflux may include vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. You may find your symptoms improve if you avoid fatty

Foods to Help Your Acid Reflux

Vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats are examples of foods that may be appropriate for those with acid reflux. Fat, spicy foods, chocolate, and coffee may all exacerbate your symptoms, so avoiding them may help.


The consumption of high-fat and high-sugar foods mayReliable Information for Heartburn Sufferers.

Vegetables have very little calories and very little sugar.

Among the best choices are:

  • bean sprouts
  • vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, and greens
  • potatoes
  • cucumbers


Many individuals turn to ginger for relief from gastrointestinal issues including indigestion, nausea, and gas because of its natural anti-inflammatory effects.

Ginger's ability to promote gastric emptying may be a contributing factor. In other words, it promotes further digestion and transit of food through the stomach.

To alleviate symptoms, consume ginger root in the form of ginger tea or incorporate grated or sliced ginger root into meals, such as smoothies.

For certain individuals,


Muesli is high in both protein and fibre because it is a complete grain. In addition to reducing the likelihood of acid reflux, eating oats can help neutralise stomach acid.

Reduced acid reflux risk has been associated with a high-fiber diet, according to a reliable source. Brown rice and whole grain breads are two other high-fiber food choices.

Non-citrus fruits

Fruits like melons, bananas, apples, and pears are nutrient-dense and less likely to cause reflux symptoms than acidic fruits like oranges.

If you're looking for a snack that won't set off your acid reflux, look no further than fruit.

Fibre is another component of fruits that helps keep you full for longer.

Lean meats and seafood

Chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood are examples of lean meats that are low in fat and are therefore less prone to trigger acid reflux symptoms.

You can grill them, broil them, bake them, or poach them.

Egg whites

Protein content is high while fat content is low in egg whites. They're delicious when poached.

The high fat content of egg yolks and fried eggs has been linked to an increase in acid symptoms.

Healthy fats

Fats are necessary for bodily function, but it's crucial to pick the proper ones and consume them in moderation.

  • Some examples of good, unsaturated fats are:
  • avos, nutmeg
  • olive oil made from flaxseed
  • Coconut oil or sesame oil
  • Coconut oil

Animal fats and added fats found in processed meals are more likely to trigger acid reflux than these. Avoid junk foods like donuts and fries.