Signs of an Emotional Affair
Constant Thoughts. The person you are having an emotional affair with becomes the focus of your attention. This person takes over your thoughts.

It usually begins with a difficult period in the marriage. There is a sense of rejection felt by one partner. He either doesn't seem interested in having sex with her or she doesn't feel like he pays attention to her. At least one person suffers harm, perhaps more than once. The thoughts and emotions keep coming back, "He doesn't value me." She is completely uncaring toward me, she says. "I feel like he doesn't value me." "I don't think she loves me." And then it occurs. Interactions with people of the opposing sex occur in social settings such as parties and workplaces. The individual experiences a surge of joy and anticipation, feelings that have been absent for some time. All of these things are similar to how they felt when they were married. They eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to connect with that someone. They begin to prefer spending time with that individual over their spouse after a while.
One kind of adultery that is both genuine and terrible is having an emotional affair. But when does one step over the line? If you're having an emotional affair or thinking about having one, it's likely because you answered yes to the following questions.
1. Are you hiding things from your spouse?
This signal is the most significant and revealing one. The act of betraying your spouse starts the minute you conceal information about your relationships with other people. The line is crossed when you delete texts and emails, set passwords to restrict access, or create a new email account without telling your spouse.
2. Do you feel a greater connection to this person over your spouse?
Is your spouse the only one who truly gets you? Do you find yourself engaging in more profound conversations with this individual than you do with your wife? Is it something you bring up when you're having marital issues? If you start to rely on this person emotionally, your bond with them will deepen and your distance from your spouse will widen.
3. Do the two of you flirt with one another?
It is acceptable to compliment someone, but it is inappropriate to flirt with them. One way to flirt is by being too complimentary or using it deliberately. Basically, it's letting someone know that you're interested in them and would love it if they felt the same way about you. Intimate stroking accompanied by staring eye contact is a kind of seduction. The other person, including your spouse, will pick up on your emotions, so it's crucial to be forthright about your goals.
4. Do you daydream about this person?
Is the other person the only thing on your mind whenever you're with your partner? Is your wife less important to you than she is to you? When you reflect on your encounters, both past and future, do you feel a rush of excitement? Right now, your emotions are all over the place. Marriages fail when one partner spends too much time fantasizing about the other. Your partner will be able to detect the issue and the lack of attention.
5. Do they fill a ‘missing piece’ in your life or marriage?
Something is off in your marriage, whether it's a loss of interest, resentment, or plain old boredom. Does this friend represent an attempt to compensate for that void? Are they providing you with things that your marriage isn't? Indulge in the attention you've been craving or rediscover the passion you once felt for your partner. Your marriage is in grave danger so long as you are receiving those items from someone other than your spouse.