Tag: yoga

Can you improve digestion with yoga?

Can you improve digestion with yoga?

Yoga for digestion improves digestive function through effects on the organs, the...

Why Yoga Is Important In Modern Life?

Why Yoga Is Important In Modern Life?

Yoga Increases Flexibility. Yoga is widely known for its effect on flexibility....

Surya Namaskar Side Effects - Mistakes To Avoid

Surya Namaskar Side Effects - Mistakes To Avoid

The fluid, rhythmic sequence of postures, traditionally known as Surya Namaskar,...

How to recognize an anxiety attack

How to recognize an anxiety attack

Anxiety can occur when a person fears that something bad is going to happen. It...

Yoga for obesity & weight loss: A beginner's guide

Yoga for obesity & weight loss: A beginner's guide

Yoga helps you gain all this by losing what harms your body. It's a perfect win-win...

Amazing Benefits Of Yoga In Schools

Amazing Benefits Of Yoga In Schools

2) Improves Memory And Attention Span ... Yoga helps to improve the memory function...



The Vedas were a collection of science of Mother Nature, agriculture, mathematics,...

Here Is A Complete Guide On Different Types Of Yoga

Here Is A Complete Guide On Different Types Of Yoga

There are 10 types of modern-day yoga. Hatha Yoga. The word Hatha means limbs. This...

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Sleep - Benefits and How to do it

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Sleep - Benefits and How to do...

Yoga Nidra is a deep state of consciousness between the stages of sleep and wakefulness...

Benefits of Hatha Yoga, and How to Get Started

Benefits of Hatha Yoga, and How to Get Started

Hatha yoga is an excellent option for any level of practitioner. It can help reduce...

14 Science Backed Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga

14 Science Backed Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa or flow yoga is among the most popular forms of yoga today, yet it may seem...

9 Benefits of Hot Yoga for a Healthier Body and Mind

9 Benefits of Hot Yoga for a Healthier Body and Mind

Hot yoga is done in a sauna-like environment, helping you de-stress, while giving...

18 styles of yoga according to Bhagavad Gita

18 styles of yoga according to Bhagavad Gita

The ancient scripture of Hindus – Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a treasure for ‘yoga’...