What You Should Never Do with Women Other Than Your Wife
If you want your wife to respect you, you have to respect and protect her dignity. Never disrespect your wife by talking negatively about her to another woman.

Telling your wife a lie is the surest way to destroy her faith in you and your marriage. As for me, I had no intention of cheating on my ex-wife. My life, my wife, and our problems were the subjects of in-depth discussions that began as occasional, clandestine chats but blossomed into regular, open dialogue. It was the last straw that broke the faith we had in one another and, by extension, our marriage.
Are you being a decent husband or are you maybe being silly when you talk to other women? What follows is some counsel I've gleaned from my own experiences in speaking with females other than my wife. In your interactions with females other than your spouse, please note the following three dos and don'ts.
1. Don’t ever complain to another woman about your wife or let another woman complain to you about her husband.
Why? For two reasons: one, your wife didn't authorize you to complain about her, and second, you're dishonoring her by doing so. You must honor and safeguard your wife's dignity if you desire her respect for you. It is impolite to speak ill of your wife to another woman. Never allow another woman to bring shame on her husband by airing her grievances with you.
2. Stay away from topics about sex, secrets, and struggles.
Why? For the simple reason that it is none of her concern, and you dishonor your wife when you discuss such personal matters with another woman. Be respectful and careful in your interactions with other women; you should never betray your wife's confidence or intimacy.
3. Never meet with women in private settings (especially online).
Make sure others can see you by making it public. Keep your meetings open to the public because temptation thrives in secrecy. I understand that it's not always feasible, but I'll provide some suggestions on how to make it work in the future.