7 Health Benefits Of Morning Water Therapy

Morning Water Therapy Benefits You Should Know About · 1. Better Nutrient Absorption and Purifies the Colon · 2. Boosts Metabolism to Help Lose

7 Health Benefits Of Morning Water Therapy

Morning Water Therapy Benefits You Should Know About

Beginning the Day with a Glass of Water

When it's hot out or after we've been exercising, most of us immediately reach for a glass of water.

Those are all good times to drink water, but the morning is optimum, yet most people don't do it. The first thing on an empty stomach in the morning.

Even after ten years of counselling friends, family, and clients on how to live healthier lives, the topic of water consumption never fails to come up. The human body is 70% water, and so is the world and the vast majority of other living things on this planet.

Water makes up at least 70% of all of them. Water is the most important resource.

What Is Water Therapy?

What I'm referring to is a form of treatment that has recently gained popularity: water therapy.

Pretty blonde woman drinking a glass of water at home | Health Benefits Of Morning Water Therapy

Basically, it consists of chugging a lot of water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This consists of drinking about 1.5 litres of water first thing in the morning.

Never consume starch or heavy carbohydrates after breaking a fast. Water first thing in the morning is your best bet for maximising the health advantages of breaking your fast with liquids.

1. Better Nutrient Absorption and Purifies the Colon

Water consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps cleanse the intestines and improves nutrition absorption throughout the day.

A healthy colon is necessary for the body to make maximum utilisation of the food it consumes. In order to get the most out of the food you eat during the day, cleaning out your colon first thing in the morning is a must.

Sunwarrior Liquid Light is a great way to supplement your water's mineral content. Antioxidants and electrolytes are included to make up for nighttime losses.

2. Boosts Metabolism to Help Lose Weight

Drinking at least 16 ounces of water first thing in the morning has been shown to increase metabolic rate by up to 24 percent, which can aid in weight loss.

Dieters should wait at least two full glasses of water after waking up before eating anything solid. Because water carries the glucose, protein, vitamins, and minerals you need to function every day to every cell in your body.

Toxins in the digestive tract are flushed out by water, allowing you to better absorb food and feel satiated for longer. This aids in reducing appetite and cravings.

3. Hydrates You at a Cellular Level

After hours of fasting (sleeping), your cells absorb water from morning water much more quickly. The rapid delivery of water to the body's cells aids in the development of new red blood cells and muscle tissu

Since you don't eat or drink for six to eight hours straight during sleep, it can be considered a sort of fasting. This suggests that you should drink some water as soon as you wake up.

Since water makes up around 70% of the human body, it's crucial to start the day by rehydrating.

4. Improves Skin Complexion

The high water intake aids in the elimination of toxins through the digestive system, resulting in clear, radiant skin.

Keeping the blood pumping to your skin and facilitating the elimination of toxins through sweating is made easier by drinking water and other unsweetened fluids.

Wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and large pores can all be prevented via proper hydration.

5. Improves Immunity

Increased immunity helps you fight off a wider range of ailments as a result of your lymphatic system being flushed and balanced.

By eliminating waste products through water therapy, you also inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. By eliminating these chemicals, you lessen the likelihood that they can cause severe illnesses.

6. Helps Prevent Kidney Stone Formation

Your doctor may have recommended increasing your water intake if you have been told you have kidney stones. That's because it reduces bladder infections and helps flush stones from your kidneys.

UTIs and other bladder and urethra issues can be avoided by flushing the system with water as soon as you wake up. This can be accomplished by drinking at least two full glasses of water.

7. Keeps Hair Lush and Long

Pretty woman drinking glass of water | Health Benefits Of Morning Water Therapy

Most vitamins are water-soluble, therefore they must be absorbed by the body through the digestive system before they can be used by the body. This means that vitamins necessary for healthy hair growth are carried in one's drinking water.

The water content of hair is approximately 25%. Water consumed first thing in the morning helps maintain hair's moisture levels throughout the day.