Things Kids Need to Know to Persevere
Just because you're down you're not out. Feeling beaten up doesn't mean you're beaten. Our kids need to know that failures can make them stronger—if they .

Although we know that our children will emerge from adversity stronger, it is nevertheless painful to see them go through the struggles that life throws at them. An example of this would be the period when my daughter's high school teacher was cruel and unqualified for the position. "There are going to be people you come across in life who are difficult," I told her when she begged me to remove her from his class. However, rather than avoiding problems, you should learn to deal with them. Survive this year with this instructor, and you will emerge from it better off than when you started.
It was my natural inclination to want to step in and fix everything. I was aware, though, that she would gain a valuable life lesson if she tackled this task independently. It was still a really tough year, but she survived and emerged stronger. Having learned that lesson in life, she was better prepared for college and her first internship in New York City, where she encountered demanding supervisors. Becoming a strong youngster requires a lifetime of experiences. With these three lessons in mind, we hope to fortify the next generation.
1. Just because you’re down you’re not out.
You are not beaten just because you feel beaten. Our youth must learn that setbacks, when overcome with determination, can actually fortify them. The most important thing is to instill in them the ability to think critically and creatively so that they can evaluate problems and find their own answers. You may show them the ropes with our Problem Solver Challenge. The great thing about this strategy is that kids will gain self-assurance in their ability to overcome challenges as they achieve achievement.
2. Don’t go it alone.
Teaching our children that they are not alone when times are tough is one of the most important things we can do for them. Having faith, relying on parents or knowledgeable friends, or both is completely acceptable. However, moms need to be approachable for this life lesson to work. Try to hear your kids out without jumping to conclusions or giving them orders. It may be enough for them to simply be in your presence at times.
3. Stay calm.
Our children may instinctively react with rage or terror whenever they face a challenging or distressing circumstance. Tell them that when things get rough, it's better to step back, collect one's thoughts, and figure out what to do. They won't get it through this alive if they freak out or point fingers. Indeed, it may cause them to lose time in figuring out how to escape.