Best 5 Ways to Make Your Marriage Exciting Again
Be intentional in hugging, kissing and cuddling. Physical touch produces feel-good hormones, which will bring you closer together and

We never had a problem finding time for each other when my spouse and I were first dating. We talked for hours every night and it never bothered us that we'd be exhausted in the morning. However, a change occurred when routines were established. You may have heard, or even come to believe, that all relationships cycle through a period of intense romantic attraction, followed by either a happy routine or a painful disillusionment. How to reignite the passion in a marriage is a problem that bedevils many couples. But what if you could always find new ways to spice up your relationship?
1. Talk about meaningful things.
Dr. John Gottman emphasizes the value of free-flowing dialogue.
When you were dating, you used to have discussions like this, asking each other about your goals and aspirations. Share your thoughts on the things that mean the most to you.
2. Go on a vacation together or take an entire day getaway together.
The two of us need time apart to recharge our batteries and enjoy each other's company, and a change of scenery may do wonders for our relationship.
3. Spend time apart cultivating your individual hobbies or passions.
You'll both feel revitalized and ready to dive back into your relationship when you get back together. When you do something you enjoy, you bring happiness into your life and your relationship.
4. Be intentional in hugging, kissing and cuddling.
Having physical contact releases endorphins, which strengthen bonds and could help spice up your romance.
5. Don’t harbor anger or bitterness.
(As a result of pent-up resentments, do you tend to view your partner negatively or critically?) One of the best ways to feel closer to one's partner is to talk about the things that bother, irritate, or hurt them. The path to greater intimacy runs through more honesty and vulnerability.