Interesting Facts About Marriage

Married couples need to spend more time together. Due to jobs, kids, TV, the Internet, hobbies, and home and family responsibilities, the average married

Interesting Facts About Marriage

How much time do you think the typical American couple spends together every day? You won't believe how low the actual number is. That's just one of the marital statistics below that could surprise you. Also, if you and your husband can find 15 minutes a day to spend alone together, it can have a profoundly positive effect on your marriage.

1. Married couples need to spend more time together.

The average married couple only has four minutes a day to spend together without distractions

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like work, children, television, the internet, hobbies, and household chores.

2. Marrying a partner from an affair rarely works out.

Divorce rates for those who marry an affair spouse are over 75%.

3. Marrying young is a greater risk.

The probability of divorce increases considerably for couples where both partners are under 25. When the woman is significantly older than the guy, the likelihood of divorce increases, although the inverse is not nearly as significant.

4. Cohabiting before marriage can pose a greater long-term relational risk.

Couples who cohabitate before being married had a greater divorce rate and worse marital satisfaction, according to research. Several explanations could be unforeseen pregnancies leading to an ill-conceived marriage, the lack of a firm decision to commit, and couples who typically would have broken up had they not been living together.

5. People in happy marriages tend to be more productive at work.

Businesses in the United States lose over $6 billion annually due to lower productivity among employees because of marital strife. On the other hand, companies benefit from having employees who are happily married.

6. A good marriage makes people feel more satisfied in life.

Wake Forest University psychologists found that marriage increased happiness more than material wealth, sexual activity, or having children.