What to Do When Your Partner Works Too Much

If working too much is ruining your relationship, strategize with your partner to find ways to deliberately make time for each other, and stick

What to Do When Your Partner Works Too Much

If your partner is a "workaholic," you may feel as though you've been betrayed by someone who has substituted work for intimacy in your marriage. wives of cheaters and wives of those who work constantly both suffer from feelings of isolation, betrayal, anger, disappointment, and a general sense that they are not very important to their partners.

What Happens If Your Wife or Husband Works Too Much?

Marriages suffer when one person spends a great deal of time working, whether out of need or preference. Living an unbalanced life is not only unhealthy, but can also lead to marital discord and eventual separation.

Tips to Make Working From Home Easier as a Couple | Simplii

In some circumstances, a person who works nonstop needs a wake-up call like a personal or health catastrophe in order to make changes that bring about better balance in their lives. But you don't have to wait for something bad to happen before you take action; there are things you can do right now.

How to Deal With a Spouse Who Works All the Time

Even if your marriage is in danger because one of you is a workaholic, there are ways to strengthen your bond with your spouse and keep the marriage alive.

Keep It in Perspective

On the other hand, if your partner puts in extra hours because they have to, it may be a sign that they value providing for the family. They are willing to sacrifice some time at home if the reward is substantial enough.

Strive to Understand Their 'Why'

It's tempting to blame your spouse's long hours on their unwillingness to spend time with you, even if that's not the case. But assuming the worst about your partner's work habits might only cause additional tension in your relationship. It's possible that you're basing your judgments on false premises.

Avoid Making Comparisons

Keep in mind that no two relationships are the same. Your relationship may be stronger in some ways than those of your friends' couples even if your spouse has to work more hours than you'd prefer. Regardless of what other people are doing, you should be grateful for the benefits your partnership brings.

Recognize If You Are Enabling the Behavior

If your partner works long hours out of choice, you may be condoning unhealthy habits without realizing it. In other words, they may spend less time at home if your activities make it more convenient for them to be there.

Support a Spouse Who Must Work Long Hours

It's not always out of choice that one's "workaholic" partner puts in long hours. Overtime may be expected of them during busy times of the year, or they may have to work longer hours temporarily to meet a critical deadline.

An encouraging mantra to repeat to oneself in times like these is "this too will pass." This is just a momentary setback, and repeating this mantra can help you remember that.

Seek Professional Help

It can feel like an enormous endeavor to resolve marital problems caused by one partner's heavy work schedule. Counselors and psychologists are available to facilitate honest discussion.

Sometimes all it takes is the first session of treatment for your partner to finally grasp the magnitude of the problem and the toll it's having on you and the relationship.

Next Steps

Communicating with your "workaholic" spouse is the first step in solving marital problems. Share how your partner's actions have made you feel, and then negotiate a solution that satisfies both your needs and your partner's desire to work.