I Still Love My Ex: What to Do If You Feel This Way
If you are the dumpee: Do not tell them you have feelings for them. Go no contact. Focus on yourself during this time and let them reach out to you.

Has the thought crossed your mind, "I still love my ex?" It's normal to have complicated feelings for a former spouse or lover. The ups and downs of love are often unpredictable and uncontrollable. Even if you've moved on from a romantic relationship, the sentiments you once experienced may never fully go away.
Don't feel bad about yourself if you're still in love with an ex. Every relationship is unique, thus it can take time to get over an ex. You are not alone in this. If you're going through a rough patch, keep reading for some advice and inspiration.
Loving an Ex Is Normal
If you have feelings for an ex but have moved on, you may worry if it's wrong to do so. While it would be ideal to forget a former partner entirely once a relationship has ended, this is not possible. You need to be patient with yourself since the feelings you had for your ex won't disappear overnight.
How to Get Over an Ex
In the event that you have recently ended a relationship or come to terms with the fact that you are not quite over a previous flame, the following advice may prove useful.
Distract Yourself
If you just broke up with someone or realised you're still not over an ex-lover, you're not alone.Idle thought hurts a broken heart far more than other kinds of hurt. You are setting yourself up for failure if you are dwelling on your ex and your shared history. But if you keep yourself occupied, the hours and days will go by and the feelings will fade.
ame, I've compiled some pointers that should assist you get beyond this.
Delete Your Ex Entirely
Get rid of your ex immediately. For example, delete all of their contact information from your phone and all of their social media accounts.
Keeping mementos that bring up negative feelings about your ex will only hold you back. Completely severing ties with your ex is necessary if you ever hope to move on. Warning: it's going to be tough, but mending your heart is worth it.
Stay Away From Social Media
It's not a good idea to use social media to try and win back an ex you still care about. Scrolling through your social media accounts is like torturing yourself. Just picture your ex-spouse showing up on your timeline with a new acquaintance. Your entire day is ruined in one instant.
Prioritize Self-Care
The days of looking down on those who go on dates alone or eat lunch by themselves are over. Spend the day at the spa or go on a date with yourself.
Have fun and get used to being by yourself. After all, you can't expect someone else to love you if you don't love yourself first.
Don't Rush the Process
Sometimes falling in love is hard work, and other times it hits you like a tonne of bricks. However, when a relationship ends, it might feel like the end of the world trying to move on without the other person.
Talk It Out
Counselling is no longer seen as taboo. You can consult a pro face to face, via video chat, over the phone, or even via text message. Because of technological advancements, now every facet of living can benefit from increased ease
If the idea of spilling your guts to a total stranger still doesn't appeal to you, maybe it's time to open up to some trusted loved ones instead. Feelings can be expressed and resolved through conversation.