The 3 Ways to Affirm Your Son

Affirm with your actions too. Give your child a hug for no reason, and every reason. Smile, and be fun to your child. Be gentle when you need to

The 3 Ways to Affirm Your Son

Tell me when the last time you spoke to your son in that way was. This phrase from Tony Nathan's dad truly hit home for me in the movie. Because of this, I now know how critical it is to encourage and support my boys. The impact of a father on his son is well-known. However, we frequently disregard our role rather than utilizing it. It is crucial to use positive affirmations with children. So, how can we make it a habit to regularly affirm our sons?

1. With Your Words

How can you most simply encourage your son? As you speak. You have every right to be proud of your son. Wow, that was fantastic! That's what you think whenever you witness him doing well in a game or getting a good grade. However, most of the time, we do not consciously share our ideas with anyone. Our belief in these things is not in question; rather, we have not prioritized confirming our sons.

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Remind your kid of your unwavering support even in the face of setbacks, such as failing a class or not making the starting lineup. You played to your strengths and are an asset to your squad, so keep up the good work. The words "I'm so proud of you" have the power to inspire your son. Additional validation for your youngster might be achieved by repeating these six brief phrases to him.

2. With Your Actions

It's common knowledge that we're constantly bombarded with stimuli from various sources, including our phones, social media, televisions, and even our jobs.

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Because of this, actively affirming your son is the most challenging thing you can do. Our sons aren't getting a bear embrace from us because we're too busy checking Facebook or Twitter ten times in a row. We skip playing catch in the yard and get straight to our crucial business call.

3. With Your Wisdom

Finally, be careful with how you affirm your son verbally and in deed. This involves showing your son that your love is unconditional and not conditional on his actions. Additionally, it entails assisting your son in recognizing and capitalizing on his individual talents and abilities.