The Shelter Your Daughter Needs

Transitioning to life at the shelter can be difficult for children. We are here to support you and your children and provide holistic services to meet their

The Shelter Your Daughter Needs

A little baby pool with a sprinkler was a fun place for my daughter and me to play one day. Like rain, the sprinkler water poured down. Something intriguing transpired after I got on my hands and knees to play with her. With the water tumbling down, she ducked under me and sat down. Her expression struck me as one of contentment, tranquility, and self-assurance. The safety of her dad's shelter gave her peace of mind. The question of why Demi Moore's character had such a soft spot for the Marines brought back a memory of a scene from A Few Good Men.

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Providing a safe haven for our girls is one of our primary responsibilities as fathers. We are unable to alleviate their suffering. Actually, some of life's suffering will serve as a catalyst for meaningful development. But during severe storms, they must have a secure dwelling to return to. They require a sanctuary built upon love, encased in faithfulness, and protected by moral fortitude. To give your daughter the safety she needs, here are three places you can look.

1. Physical

Things like entering a hotel room or walking home alone at night are decisions that guys don't hesitate to do. These and many more pose a quantifiable threat to women. Anxiety and worry are common experiences for women because of their heightened awareness of their physical fragility. A feeling of safety is instilled in daughters when they learn their dad is on watch duty and prepared to respond as a first responder. It's our responsibility to make sure our girls know the risks they face and how to stay safe. We must be present with gentle caresses and comforting embraces in the event that she sustains harm. Coming returning to a location where she knows she can always find refuge brings her peace.

2. Emotional

One question permeates every woman's soul: Am I lovable? In responding to that inquiry, we hold considerable sway. They will experience feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, and disillusionment if they see the response as negative or unclear.

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As unfortunate as that is, some grownups, as well as the immature men they date and other females, will be the ones who attack them. Your daughter relies on you for unwavering support. Reassure her that no matter what she does, you will always love her and that your love for her can never grow. There must be solid evidence to support a positive response to her central query.

3. Spiritual

Even if she sees herself reflected in the mirror, the media will relentlessly provide her unrealistic idealized images of how she should look. There will be many efforts to degrade her to the level of a sexual object or image. She is being told this, but that is not the main issue. The true issue arises when she starts to believe it. Her spirit will suffer damage as she believes the falsehood. The truth is that she was formed as a unit, exquisitely and purposefully molded by hand. Keep that safe. Make sure this truth that God has given her is deeply embedded in her and never forgotten by giving her plenty of prayer cover. Every day, tell her how valuable she is and how beautiful her design is.