3 Ways to Resolve a Fight With Your Wife
Talk with your spouse when both of you are well-rested and able to focus. Don't try to solve problems when one

After a fight, are you able to mend a relationship? A "heated discussion" is just a polite way of saying that my wife and I had an argument last week. We like competing in a wide variety of activities, from board games to athletic events, and we are both former athletes. On our honeymoon, we were playing tennis at the resort when we nearly had an argument. She is my soulmate, without a doubt, but I will not be lenient with her since love on the tennis court and love in a marriage are very different.
Everyone has to know how to mend a broken relationship eventually. Filling the void that a fight leaves behind is the first step. We guys need to mediate conflicts at home. So, you prioritize your wife's sentiments before your own, regardless of whether you think she's wrong. If you want her to feel comfortable expressing herself, you must master the art of listening to her. After a fight, you don't want to keep the distance between you; you want to close it. You can end a quarrel with your wife in one of these three ways.
1. Take the first step.
The first step is always the hardest, but anyone who has raced a marathon knows better. It is your responsibility to go to your wife first after a fight and try to make things right. This might begin with a text message expressing your gratitude to her if the argument took place over the phone. It must culminate in an apology delivered to her in person, no matter what. You need to keep in mind that you committed to your wife for the rest of your life when you're in the midst of an argument with her. Marriage is a long journey, not a quick one. Showing that you value your wife more than proving yourself correct after an argument by initiating efforts to mend the relationship is admirable.
2. Work to understand her.
Rather than listening and attempting to comprehend her situation, you rush to find a solution, which leads to an argument with your wife. This happens when she simply wants to communicate. Your focus is more on finishing the conversation than on trying to comprehend her emotions. After she finishes expressing herself, inquire as to how it makes her feel. This demonstrates your understanding and appreciation for her hardships. Solving the problem at its core is your ultimate objective, and this can help you get there! Until you make a sincere effort to comprehend your wife's experiences and emotions, you will not be able to comprehend how to mend a relationship following an argument.
3. Apologize to her instead of saying you’re sorry.
Men can do better than the common practice of apologizing for actions or words they did not intend. A sincere apology conveys to your wife that you acknowledge your mistake and feel remorse. Be sure to ask your wife to forgive you once you've apologized. You are trying to mend fences after the fight by pleading for her clemency. Putting our egos aside and doing what's right for our marriages isn't going to be easy, but it's necessary.