Best 6 Ways to Make Your Husband Feel Like a Man

Reaffirm Your Loyalty. This goes back to a previous point. Men want to know that they are the only one for you. Dating guru Carlos Cavallo

Best 6 Ways to Make Your Husband Feel Like a Man

You know that sensation you get when you dress in something unmistakably feminine and your hubby gets a double take? The way he reacts to your femininity might reawaken those butterflies and make you feel like you're the only woman in the world. The same thing happens to him when you compliment his manhood, point out his sex appeal, and comment on it. That's just one suggestion among several for restoring your husband's masculine pride.

Signs that Your Husband Feels Disrespected (and Unloved) – Peaceful Wife

Although equality between the sexes exists in principle, we should not downplay the importance of highlighting our differences. What makes your marriage unique will shine through when you treat your husband like a man and he treats you like a woman. You've come to see how your mutual strengths complete each other and your marriage and family. How to make your husband feel more like a man and strengthen your marriage.

1. Lean into your femininity.

We are not suggesting that you dress up for him, but I'm sure there is at least one frock hanging in your wardrobe that he finds irresistible. Your partner definitely appreciates you more since you have feminine qualities like being nurturing, receptive, intuitive, and emotionally sophisticated. He may respond to your adoption of these qualities with more traditionally masculine ones, such as protectiveness, generosity, and self-assurance. Yes, they are blatant examples of gender stereotypes, but it is not unusual for people to exhibit characteristics that are traditionally associated with the other sex. All should be supported, but focusing on those qualities is a surefire method to let your partner shine.

2. Recognize his physical strength.

Not every man needs to feel like a bodybuilder or a jock in order to feel secure around his wife and children, but we may assume that your husband does. If you have to bench him, at least use his expertise occasionally. Despite the fact that you would be the one to defend your family from an intruder, tell him that you admire his strength and that it makes you feel secure. Squeeze his biceps and flash him a wink if you're in the mood to flirt. He will enjoy it despite his rolled eyes.

3. Let him lead.

You're right there by your husband, but he can't help but be a leader and a protector. Ask him about his area of expertise if you feel like you could benefit from his knowledge. Tell him how much you value his contributions to your marriage and family because of his knowledge and abilities.

4. When he looks good, tell him!

Most wives have a preferred "look" from their husbands. It may be his best suit or his go-to pair of jeans and tee. Tell him how much you appreciate whatever it is that catches your eye.

5. Flirt.

Our male pals are constantly expressing their desire for women to desire them. We're great at showing our romantic interest in one another when we're dating or newly married, but we tend to forget how to flirt once we're settled down. The way he looks at you from across the room, pats your butt, and flashes a sly grin when he notices you're looking at him. Nothing will do more to restore your husband's dignity than knowing that you still desire him. Period. If you're looking for some ideas on how to woo your partner, check out these 41 suggestions.

6. Teach your kids to admire him.

Remind your kids that Dad has wonderful qualities that they should value just as much as you do. In his presence, you should rejoice and boast about his superior strength. He'll adore it, and the kids will too.