Secrets of a Happy Marriage

Secrets of a Happy Marriage · 1. Dream a Dream. · 2. Get Tough. · 3. Maximize the Trust Factor. · 4. Get Healthy. · 5. Work on Chemistry.

Secrets of a Happy Marriage

We wanted to keep the cost of our wedding down, so we performed a lot of the work ourselves and enlisted the help of friends and family. While pulling our wedding cake (which I had prepared myself) from the oven the day before the wedding, I had the realization, "Maybe I'm doing too much work on my wedding." Weddings can be difficult and time-consuming, but maintaining a happy marriage takes much more effort. This is especially true if you aim to build a marriage that is lasting and strong.

10 secrets of a happy marriage shared by psychologists | Times of India

After interviewing one hundred happy couples and drawing on his own 30 years of counseling experience, Dr. Neil Clark Warren presents in his book Learning to Live with the Love of Your Life ten keys to a successful marriage. Dr. Warren claims that the following ten abilities are necessary for a happy marriage. His top ten tips for a successful marriage are listed below.

1. Dream a Dream.

If you want your marriage to grow and to be its best, you and your husband need to create a vision for it and your life together.

2. Get Tough.

To have a successful marriage, both partners need to put out significant effort.

3. Maximize the Trust Factor.

Figure out how to be honest and trustworthy to your husband, and have faith in him in return.

4. Get Healthy.

If both partners are emotionally stable, the marriage is more likely to last. See a therapist or counselor if you or your partner is experiencing emotional difficulties or has a negative view of themselves.

5. Work on Chemistry.

Be sure to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Find the things about each other that made you fall in love and continue doing those things.

6. Learn to Talk.

Strong marriages are built on open lines of communication. Invest in your connection by learning and employing effective methods of communication.

7. Work it Through.

Conflict is inevitable, even in the healthiest of couples. Developing conflict resolution skills and a shared plan of action can help married couples weather difficult times.