What Does Love Mean?
Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness

I sent one of the guys in the locker room to the weight room to do some work. The look on his face and the way he was carrying himself indicated he was not willing to help. I looked at him and said, "I would ask my son to do this exercise, and I love my son." I was trying to inspire him by imagining how I would ask my son to complete the task.
He looked at me expressionlessly, not moving an inch. I was confused as to his next move. The good news is that he got up and did the workout exactly as I instructed right away. Whether you're a son, a daughter, an athlete, a husband, a parent, a neighbor, or a coworker, you want to feel appreciated.
Being Patient
My better half is chronically tardy. Even though I know we'll be late again, I'm trying to keep a calm demeanor. Complaining makes things worse, I know that now. I take a big breath and hold my ground until she is prepared to go.
Being Kind
I requested time off during training camp to attend my sister-in-law's wedding, and my request was approved. My family places a high value on this occasion. I made a 20-hour round trip in 48 hours to get to the wedding and back, hoping to take away nothing but wonderful memories.
Not Being Jealous
There is no need for me to be envious of others who receive accolades at work because I am aware of my own unique abilities. In their success, I may rejoice.
Not Bragging
My son enjoys telling his friends that I am a coach in the National Football League. I tell him that my job is not who I am and that he should not boast about me. By not bragging about my achievements, I show that I am confident in who I am. I encourage him to be the same way.
Not Discrediting Others
Even if the other person is acting or speaking in a way I don't agree with, I try to put myself in their shoes and see things from their point of view. Realizing my own fallibility and constraints has given me compassion.
Being Faithful
I am inspired to do what is right because I know my choices may effect others. Bring with you the mindset that you'll have to make it work regardless of the circumstances.
Consider for a second the people you talk to regularly, most notably your family. How successfully do your decisions and actions show that you care about them? The people we are now interacting with are the true litmus test of our love. Respect the people you have in it.